Common Mistakes That Can Shorten the Lifespan of Your HVAC System

Tips From AC and Heating Repair Experts

As AC and heating repair technicians, we have come across numerous HVAC systems that have developed serious issues simply because they were poorly maintained by their owners. Fortunately, staying away from these HVAC issues is simple if you know how to take good care of your furnace and air-conditioning unit.


Not sure where to begin? You can start by avoiding these HVAC maintenance mistakes:


Mistake #1: Failing to Schedule Regular Servicing 

Just like other appliances, your AC and furnace need to be serviced on a regular basis. This way, you can ensure that they’re functioning as designed and, if they aren’t, your HVAC technician can recalibrate their settings and take other steps to improve their performance. Your technician can also check your HVAC equipment for existing and potential issues and, if these are present, they can make the required repairs before the issues can snowball into bigger problems.


Mistake #2: Ignoring Serious Issues

If your AC or furnace has a water leak or is producing loud noises, it can be tempting to ignore the problem and just go about your daily life. However, doing this will only make matters over time. Remember: most HVAC issues won’t resolve all by themselves, and they tend to grow worse as the weeks and months pass. So, instead of sweeping these problems under the rug, pay attention to them as soon as they happen. This way, you can prevent your heating and cooling equipment from developing major issues that are costly and complicated to fix.


Mistake #3: Attempting DIY Repairs

Unless you have extensive experience and training in HVAC repairs, your best option is to hire professional heating and cooling technicians and let them take care of whatever issues your HVAC system might have. If you insist you fixing the problem on your own, you might end up making mistakes and further damaging your AC or furnace.


Stay away from these mistakes to keep your HVAC system in good condition for many years! If you need more tips, or if you’re searching for people who can help you with HVAC maintenance, don’t hesitate to call Cool Care Heating & Air. We’re known for the AC and heating repair services that we offer in Modesto, CA, but we also specialize in maintaining furnaces and air-conditioning units. Dial (209) 502-1817 now to book an appointment with us!

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